Skype technologies headquarters
Skype technologies headquarters

Please take the time to review all of the questions on the form and take care to only provide the information it is requesting.Apparently, I hit the wrong button and the machine sent the unedited version of my complaint. The form is our only means of validating our customers' identity and unless you pass this process, we will be unable to assist you. As explained before, we are unable to review an account or discuss anything specific to it unless we pass the verification process. The reason why we insist on having you fill out the form again is because you have failed to verify your identity. We know how important it is to reactivate your account. We understand how much of an inconvenience this has become for you. Let me know if you need help creating a new account. You can find the form on the link below: Please take the time to review all of the questions on the form and take care to only provide the information it is requesting. Alternative is using a Microsoft account: Here’s an easy guide for creating a new account. The verification form is the only way for me to verify your identity and since you have not been successful in this process, I’m afraid the only solution moving forward is to create a new account. Unfortunately I am not able to proceed with your request because you did not pass the verification. I have fully reviewed your entire case history and information provided in the form. I appreciate you taking the time to fill out the form again. Need to fix this asap! Here is what I got back from customer service.

Skype technologies headquarters